Street Leisure Pratices of The Residents of Neyborhood of Vila Holândia


  • Carolina Gontijo Lopes Universidade de Coimbra (UC)
  • Silvia Cristina Franco Amaral Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)



Leisure Activities, Urban Area, Cities


This study investigated street leisure practices of the residents of Vila Holandia, a periphery neighbourhood in Campinas, São Paulo state. The aim of the present research was to understand the everyday uses of urban space. Methodologically we opted for ethnographic observation. We found that community life in Vila Holândia underwent profound social transformations. Still, we find evidence that allow to say that rich street experiences resist, while other cities more traditional community relations succumb facing the urbanization process. In the street experiences, subjects share the public space and materialize social coexistence. It is through the exchange relations, avoidance and conflict that residents take ownership of streets and leisure practices, establishing rules and rituals of social identity peculiar of this place. Concomitantly, the convergence between social circles of different age groups in leisure activities participation can guarantee the perpetuation of these forms of ownership and strengthen belonging in the street everyday sociability to the next generations. The most common  leisure practices in Vila Holândia are walks, children games, soccer, contemplation and chatting creating belonging circles, but there are also talks about the street as an unsafe place, which does not feel it as a relevant space or promotes belonging.


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How to Cite

Lopes, C. G., & Amaral, S. C. F. (2016). Street Leisure Pratices of The Residents of Neyborhood of Vila Holândia. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 19(2), 1–36.



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