Leisure in an Asian Context

Refletions on Brazilian Exchange Students in Japan


  • Jessica Miyuko Nagae Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
  • Ricardo Ricci Uvinha Universidade de São Paulo




Leisure Activities, International Educational Exchange, Culture


This research had as main purpose to reflect about the quality of enjoyment of free time of Brazilian students who made exchange to Japan. Have  deployed two specific purposes: a) the data collection of scholarships offered by São Paulo public universities for state graduate students of São Paulo, b) verify the students of São Paulo University and São Paulo State University whom already made the exchange and returned to Brazil to analyze the use of their free time during the period abroad. Is considered that the cultural background of the exchange students reveal influences both in the source-country as in the destination-country. They were considered theoretical aspects of leisure and work in Japan; study travels and exchange; and leisure access barriers. Through this research, it was observed that there are several scholarships offered not only by universities, but also by the Japanese government to the Brazilians. Most students had the opportunity to make the trip to Japan for the first time through the scholarships and was motivated mainly by the cultural interest in that country, with rare students who had challenges in the enjoyment of free time during the trip, with many leisure possibilities mainly geared to cultural aspects. The interviewees highlighted positive aspects as accessibility, security, maintenance and infrastructure, as well as the efficiency of transport used and their possible implementation in Brazil. Finally, even with the difficulties encountered by some students on financial aspects during the exchange, everyone could have and chosen to enjoy their free time in leisure activities.


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How to Cite

Nagae, J. M., & Uvinha, R. R. (2016). Leisure in an Asian Context: Refletions on Brazilian Exchange Students in Japan. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 19(1), 108–143. https://doi.org/10.35699/2447-6218.2016.20398



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