Afrofuturism as an Alternative for the Construction of Other Leisure Curricula


  • Edmilson Forte Miranda Júnior Universidade de Aveiro (UA)



Afrofuturism, Leisure activities, Subjectivation processes


The present study represents the cross between Cultural Studies and Curricular and Leisure Studies. At this intersection, strategies for curriculum formation and subjectivity in the postcolonial world are discussed, based on the relationship between the concepts of dis-placement and inter-places of Stuart Hall and Homi Bhabha. The notion of curriculum, according to Marlucy Paraíso, articulated with the diaspora of African people, in the reading of Paul Gilroy, opens the path for the study that proposes an approximation between the personal experiences described by Hall, Ebony Thomas and the author of this article, to perceive Afrofuturism as an alternative for the construction of forms of curriculum for the leisure, which, instead of imprisoning, reactivate forces, committing themselves to ethnic-racial relationships.


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How to Cite

Miranda Júnior, E. F. (2022). Afrofuturism as an Alternative for the Construction of Other Leisure Curricula. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 24(4), 149–177.



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