Horseshoe Game

Senses of Practice for Players of the João Bonzi Horseshoe Game Club, in Iguaba Grande-RJ




Horseshoe game, Leisure activities, Sportivization


The present study aims to elucidate the meanings of Horseshoe Game for its practitioners, specifically considering the practice developed at Horseshoe Game Club João Bonzi, located in the city of Iguaba Grande-RJ. This is a case study whose methodology is similar to ethnography, considering immersion in reality, semi-structured interviews, participant observation and audiovisual recordings. The interviews were applied to the horseshoe player and members of the Bonzi family, specifically to Mr. João, his son and daughter-in-law. The choice was intentional, because they are people who hold a cultural capital close to the game (practitioners, organizers, referees) and because they are influential in the practice. The Horseshoe Game, despite being an ancient game, has broken time and is still alive in people's practices and imagination. However, considering the lack of public incentive and massification of mediatized modalities, the Horseshoe Game is doomed to be forgotten and become no more than a game/sport in the annals of history.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. de B. (2023). Horseshoe Game: Senses of Practice for Players of the João Bonzi Horseshoe Game Club, in Iguaba Grande-RJ. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 25(4), 1–32.



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