Perceptions about Brazilian's Leisure Public Places, Security and Life Quality




Quality of life, Public leisure spaces, Safety


Objective: To analyze the perceptions about public leisure spaces, safety and quality of life of Brazilian adults. Method: the sample consisted of 5,259 adults, representing a city in each of the five Brazilian regions, namely: Florianópolis (SC), Goiânia (GO), João Pessoa (PB), Palmas (TO) and Vitória (ES). Characterizing itself as a cross-sectional descriptive epidemiological research. The instrument applied in the research was the standardized questionnaire, called Public Opinion Research (POP). Binary Logistic Regression was used to identify the odds ratios, being analyzed in the adjusted model when the variables reached the pre-established criterion of p<0.05. Results: At least one third of the sample (35.2%) indicated a negative perception of quality of life. Those who almost never or never attended public leisure spaces and those who perceived them as unpleasant, insufficient and insecure and those who did not feel safe during the night and day in their cities showed a greater chance of presenting it. Conclusion: Based on the associations found after an adjusted analysis, it is suggested that public spaces for leisure and safety can intervene in the quality of life, so it is recommended solutions to incentive and maintain those, in a way that positively affects their perception.


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How to Cite

Silva, A. B. da, Felden, Érico P. G., Beltrame, T. S., Andrade, R. D., Teixeira, C. S., Meneguetti, A., & Brust, C. (2023). Perceptions about Brazilian’s Leisure Public Places, Security and Life Quality. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 26(1), 23–40.



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