Marginalized Leisure and Contemporaneity

Instigating Action and Conversation as Part of Postgraduate Course




Experience report, Marginalized leisure, Graduate studies


The objective of this study is based on an experience report lived during an elective discipline entitled “Marginalized Leisure and Contemporaneity” structured within the scope of a Stricto-Sensu Postgraduate Program. Aiming to broaden the discussions of leisure practices socially labeled as “marginal”, theoretical articulations with authors still little explored in the specific field of Leisure Studies were advocated, so that new analytical perspectives, especially less dichotomous ones, are empirically undertaken. In addition to the new conceptual dialogues, there were also didactic advances in the management of class engagement, as well as criticisms and suggestions regarding the operation of new research methods. In summary, it is a valuable experience under the dialogic approach employed and the friendly exchange arising from the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Castilho, C. T. (2023). Marginalized Leisure and Contemporaneity: Instigating Action and Conversation as Part of Postgraduate Course. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 26(1), 301–331.



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