The Practice of Amateur Football as Leisure in the Perspective of Free Time and Attitude of Amateur Players in a Municipality in the Interior of South Cearense




Soccer, Amateur football, Leisure activities


Football is a sociocultural phenomenon that is directly related to the formation of Brazilian identity. Acting in the most diverse spheres of the country's culture, one of which is leisure. For Brazilians, football is a reference for leisure, whether as a player or fan. The present study aims to describe the relationship of a team of amateur players with leisure in the perspective of free time and the attitude in the practice of Amateur Football in the interior of southern Brazil. The study has an ethnographic and observational nature with a qualitative approach. The elementary observation data were recorded in a field diary and the analysis of the records was based on other studies related to the subject of football and leisure. For this, systematic observations were made of four Amateur Football matches of the Sítio São Paulo Futebol Clube team, in a Municipal Amateur Football Championship in the city of Caririaçu, Ceará, Brazil. With regard to the observations and analyses, it was noticed that there is a direct relationship with the time devoted to the practice of Amateur Football, in the midst of daily obligations, as well as the attitude in which the players sought and felt the satisfaction of participating in the games of the team, in pursuit of pleasure, fun and leisure. In this way, the relationship between free time and attitude contributed to the team's players seeking pleasure and leisure in their free time to participate in the games.


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How to Cite

Aquino, P. C. S. de. (2023). The Practice of Amateur Football as Leisure in the Perspective of Free Time and Attitude of Amateur Players in a Municipality in the Interior of South Cearense. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 26(3), 188–203.



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