Young People and their Leisure Practices

A Look at the PBH Decree




Pandemic, Covid-19, Youth, Decrees, City hall, Leisure activities


The Covid-19 virus has affected the global population in various ways, leading to the need for the implementation of sanitary measures to prevent its spread. In Belo Horizonte, these measures came through municipal decrees, which banned the operation of non-essential services. From that moment on, young people accustomed to frequenting bars, parties, and malls – places that generate intense crowding – found themselves in an unusual situation, being forced to adapt their practices to home life. In order to better understand these changes, we conducted a study analyzing the impacts of the pandemic on the leisure practices of these young people. Through a questionnaire applied at various leisure points in the city, we were able to observe how the leisure practices of young people were affected by the pandemic. These results emphasize the importance of adaptability and resilience of young people in face of new challenges.


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How to Cite

Diniz, A. L. S., & Couto, A. C. P. (2024). Young People and their Leisure Practices: A Look at the PBH Decree. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 27(1), 1–20.



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