Training and Performance of Recreators

The Case of Recreation and Leisure Team City Maringá-PR in Years 2001 to 2004


  • Andressa Peloi Bernabé Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL)
  • Paula Marçal Natali Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)



Physical Education and Training, Recreation, Leisure Activities


In this study, we analyzed the formation and performance of the leisure and recreation entertainers’ team, in Maringá city, between the years 2001 - 2004. The research is a qualitative one (MINAYO, 2007), with an analysis of semi-structured interviews of six individuals, five worked as trainees, in the team, and one, in the team  coordination, by using the content analysis technique (BARDIN,1979). Analyzing the training of staff, we pointed out the necessity and the importance of a comprehensive training process that justify the professional activities in leisure and recreation, by the principles of: political and social expanded education, practices and diversified social experiences, exchanging and sharing the experiences and professional practices, recognition and participation of management processes; beyond the principle of democratization and technical foundations, educational, political, cultural and social.


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How to Cite

Bernabé, A. P., & Natali, P. M. (2014). Training and Performance of Recreators: The Case of Recreation and Leisure Team City Maringá-PR in Years 2001 to 2004. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 17(1).



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