Leisure, Research and Interdisciplinarity

Some Reflections on the Current Context of Academic Productions


  • Walter Ernesto Ude Marques Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)




Leisure Activities, Research, Interdisciplinary Research


This is developed in a lecture XII Seminar "Leisure in Debate," in which it addressed the relationship between Leisure, Research and Interdisciplinarity in the current context of academic productions. Hence, if we questioned the criteria used for evaluation of scientific work within the model that exists between most universities, which prioritize and quantitative aspects productivist over quality of its production. Given the short time available to carry out research in graduate courses, mainly at the Masters, has produced works more descriptive than analytical and interpretative without the possibility of relevant interventions in social reality. In the field of leisure studies, this premise becomes more complicated, considering its interface with the culture and the need for the development of anthropological studies. The inter-and transdisciplinary possibilities appear as needed to address the complexity of activities involving studies on the context of leisure. However, given the hegemonic perspective that imposes a simplified and quick readings on the researched reality runs the risk of producing some in-depth research. Given this, the discussion of this article discusses the concept of science that has been building in late times, and quality of knowledge produced to the pressures of the current system of evaluation of universities.


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How to Cite

Marques, W. E. U. (2012). Leisure, Research and Interdisciplinarity: Some Reflections on the Current Context of Academic Productions. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.35699/1981-3171.2012.731



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