The Festivity of "Círio de Nazaré" and the Transformations in its "Country Festivity Form"

New Leisure Practices in the Affirmation of Religious Tourism


  • Lucília da Silva Matos Universidade do Estado do Pará (UEPA)



Leisure Activities, Tourism, Religion


This articles’s main goal is the analysis of a number of transformation cycles occuring in the “Círio de Nazaré", and mostly in the country festivity form of the event, the so called “Arraial de Nazaré”, distinctively those accuring since 1980, when there were great changes in the popular festivities envolving deepening of the “technical and economic globalization”, and the world-wide converted culture” (ORTIZ, 2005, 2006a). Since then the popular festivities became a grand appeal to a market of cultural services and wells, attacting public and private investments towards its valorization. Concerning Círio, there’san increasing number of events all over the city of Belém and a gradual emptiness of the meaning of “country festivity”, by the redirected utility of public locations, turning them into “sacred public squares”, as well as the increasing of the transferences of public/ludic activities to spaces owned bye the church, which recently suffered new interventions, adopting religious tourism as one os their main objectives.


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How to Cite

Matos, L. da S. (2010). The Festivity of "Círio de Nazaré" and the Transformations in its "Country Festivity Form": New Leisure Practices in the Affirmation of Religious Tourism. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 13(4).



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