Appropriation and Use of Spaces for Leisure Population Curraisnovense


  • Renata Laís Ferreira de Santana Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
  • Josemery de Araújo Alves Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)



Leisure Activities, Centers of Connivance and Leisure, Public Facilities


The leisure today is considered a right of the citizen regulated by the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, and the government seeking to satisfy the needs of the population and in accordance with federal, state and local, as public spaces for leisure promoting this activity. This article is the result of a survey that aimed to conduct a study with curraisnovense population in order to know the process of appropriation of public spaces for leisure community. The methodology we used a non-probability sample of convenience, where 160 forms were applied to the population curraisnovense to know how is done the process of appropriation of spaces and identify the needs of the population compared to the leisure facilities of the city. The main results of the research show that people often use public leisure spaces for socializing with family and friends, sports and snack kiosks scattered and skewered in all neighborhoods. It was found that the city's public spaces are subject to appropriation and use of the population for recreation, but there is a lack of activities that may attract this audience regularly.


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How to Cite

Santana, R. L. F. de, & Alves, J. de A. (2014). Appropriation and Use of Spaces for Leisure Population Curraisnovense. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 17(3), 185–223.



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