Self-actualization and Self-efficacy in the Elderly in a Ludic Italian Language Learning Program

A Theoretical Framework


  • Nilce da Silva l’Université du troisième âge de l’UQTR
  • Hélène Carbonneau Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières


Mots-clés :

Serious Leisure, Ludicity, Active Ageing, Social Participation, Self- actualization, Self-efficacy


This article presents the conceptual framework developed for the study “Self-actualization and self-efficacy in the elderly in a ludic foreign language program.” We explicate the theoretical grounds for the ludic teaching approach used in the Italian language learning program Pian, piano si va lontano. Based on the concept of ludicity, this serious leisure activity is a form of social participation that fosters self-actualization and hence feelings of self-efficacy in older learners. We conclude with some research avenues to gain a deeper understanding of the protective effects of bilingualism on cognitive functioning in the elderly and the role of a ludic teaching approach in enhancing these protective effects from a gerontagogical perspective.


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Comment citer

Silva, N. da, & Carbonneau, H. (2021). Self-actualization and Self-efficacy in the Elderly in a Ludic Italian Language Learning Program: A Theoretical Framework. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 24(1), 78–105.



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