Information For Authors

Before preparing your manuscript, we invite you to read the About journal section to inform about our journal scope and philosophy, Author guidelines to details on preparing your manuscript, and the description of journal sections below. It is required register in the Open Journal System (here) before submitting; In case you had already registered, you can access OJS here.

Lundiana publishes in a continuous publication model and operates a single-blind confidential peer-review process. Editors and reviewers handle the manuscripts confidentially and must not disclose any details to anyone outside of the review process.

Manuscript types


It is a forum for academic discussion on public policies related to the study, conservation, education and science outreach. Since its aim is act as a venue to debate, opinions expressed in articles published in this section are of sole responsibility of authors and they are not submitted to the peer review process but published at editorial board discretion. Opinion articles will be limited to 20000 words and may be written in English or Portuguese.

Education, science history, conservation policy and outreach

It is a venue for publishing academic peer-reviewed articles from humanities dealing with all intersections between society and biodiversity. Articles may cover subjects as successful experiences in education and outreach on conservation and biodiversity; citizen science; impact of state policies on biodiversity and education; impact of biodiversity management (or lack thereof) on human populations; biographical notes on biodiversity researchers; the history of institutions devoted to the study of biodiversity and so on. Articles submitted to this section will be peer-reviewed as other research article or revisions and must follow the same stylistic guidelines except for that may be written in English or Portuguese, and have no a priori length limits .

Original research articles

Publishes complete articles following the usual structure of Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussions, Acknowledgments and References (standard IMRaD structure) or a slightly modified structure according authors guidelines concerning taxonomic papers. As mentioned in our scope, are welcome articles dealing with all matters related to biodiversity: sytematics, biogeography, population biology, evolution, functional (trait-based) ecology, abiotic tolerances, and ecological interactions. Specially welcome are species descriptions and re-descriptions, addition of unknown sexes and ontogenetic data, and new occurrences given it leads to considerable range extension and the detailed report of material already deposited in natural history collections. Original research articles must be written in English and they have no a priori length limits.

Short and technical notes

Lundiana welcomes short contributions specially if they are related to natural history research and observations or the report of material housed in collections, which often do not adhere to the traditional structure of research articles. It is also the venue for technical notes on new software, databases or websites. They should present the new or updated tool, providing a link for public access, a workflow describing how it works and screenshots. Short notes should contain no more than two figures, two tables, and thirty references. A short abstract of fewer than 200 words is acceptable and the total word counting must not surpass 4000 words. Technical notes must adhere to the same upper limit of words, but may include up to six figures. Uploading a package to a site such as CRAN or sourceforge in advance is not considered prior publication and will not prevent consideration of a technical note in Lundiana.


Reviews are expected to develop a scientific concept or theme related to the scope of Lundiana, based on previous works and making the state of art of given subject available to our readers. They must be up to date and complete regarding published knowledge and do not adhere to the standard IMRaD structure by being monographic and presenting as mandatory sections Title, Abstract, Keywords, Main Text, Acknowledgments and References only.