Tramas de Afrodite e Eros: sedução e capitulação na mélica grega arcaica


  • Giuliana Ragusa Universidade de São Paulo Autor



eroticism, archaic Greek melic poetry, Aphrodite, Eros


This article presents a study of Aphrodite’s and Eros’s images in archaic Greek melic poetry, in some fragments where the “I”, as a result of their divine action, becomes a helpless victim of the power of erotic desire and/or a seducer/seductress in pursuit of the beloved one. These are the melic poets and fragments herein commented: Alcman (Fr. 59(a) Dav.), Sappho (Frs. 1, 102 Voigt), Ibycus (Frs. 286, 288, 287 Dav.).


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Como Citar

Tramas de Afrodite e Eros: sedução e capitulação na mélica grega arcaica. (2011). Nuntius Antiquus, 7(1), 60-78.