The Paideia Project

Teaching Ancient Greek in Blumenau – Brazil



Didactic of History, Classical Studies, Classical Languages, Teaching of Ancient Greek


The Paideia project had the purpose of promoting an introductory course to the study of Ancient Greek Culture and Language in Blumenau, a city in Southern Brazil, where such activity had never been done before. It was elaborated considering the importance, relevance and effectiveness of the study of themes related to classical cultures to expand the historical, social and cultural repertoire, as well as the development of logical reasoning, critical thinking and the expansion of linguistic skills of its students. It also took into account the relationship among University, Basic Education and Community, something predicted by both the Brazilian Federal Constitution and it’s National Education Plan 2014-2024, and also by the Institutional Development Plan of the University of Blumenau. The course was born in the University of Blumenau and it was a partnership between its lab for Ancient and Medieval Studies and its High School. Using the method Reading Greek, of the JACT –Joint Association of Classical Teachers (edited and translated in Brazil as Aprendendo Grego)– the Paideia Project assembled undergraduate and graduate students from all areas of knowledge, High School students attached to the Institution and also from other High Schools from the region, members of the regional community and other people interested in learning the basic steps in Ancient Greek. Therefore, this article aims to analyze the project’s experiences and share some of the main results.


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Author Biographies

Dominique Vieira Coelho dos Santos, Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), Blumenau, Santa Catarina

Dominique Santos é Professor de História Antiga na FURB - Universidade de Blumenau, onde também coordena o LABEAM – Laboratório Blumenauense de Estudos Antigos e Medievais. E-mail:

Dyel Gedhay da Silva, Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB), Blumenau, Santa Catarina

Dyel da Silva é estudante de graduação do curso de História (Licenciatura) da FURB - Universidade de Blumenau e integrante do LABEAM – Laboratório Blumenauense de Estudos Antigos e Medievais. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Santos, D. V. C. dos, & Silva, D. G. da. (2020). The Paideia Project: Teaching Ancient Greek in Blumenau – Brazil. Nuntius Antiquus, 16(1), 193–218. Retrieved from