
  • Roberto Paolo Vico Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique
  • Ricardo Ricci Uvinha Universidade de São Paulo


Tourism, Leisure, Climatic changes, Environment, Competitive, Touristic destinations, Global scenarios.


Finding a balance between the self-development of touristic destinations and the respect for the environment on one side, and the development of a competitive economic activity on the other, can be particularly challenging. It's a fact since a while that economic activity can create synergies interacting closely with both environment and society. The development of tourist destinations and the environment are, in fact, directly related. This prerogative does the tourism as the driving force for the guardianship and for the development of destinations, directly by their awareness and by economic sustainability. Tourism should be competitive but responsible, today more than ever, recognizing that, in a long term, competitively depends on sustainability and environment protection. Today climate changes are considered an important topic and touristic industry must contribute on the decrease of the emissions responsible for the global warming, while destinations are invited to suit climatic changes of demand model and to modify, as a consequence, the different kinds of touristic supply.


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Author Biographies

Roberto Paolo Vico, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Moçambique

Docente da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane e especificamente da Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo de Inhambane – ESHTI/Moçambique e pesquisador visitante de origem italiana no Grupo Interdisciplinar de Estudos do Lazer da Universidade de São Paulo - GIEL/USP/CNPq.

Ricardo Ricci Uvinha, Universidade de São Paulo

Professor Livre-docente da graduação e pós-graduação em Educação Física e Turismo da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo - EACH/USP e líder do Grupo Interdisciplinar de Estudos do Lazer da Universidade de São Paulo - GIEL/USP/CNPq.



How to Cite

Vico, R. P., & Uvinha, R. R. (2015). TOURISTIC DESTINATIONS: BETWEEN ECOEFICIENCY AND COMPETITIVITY. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Do Lazer, 1(3), p.135–147. Retrieved from