Between trajectories of black lives and the production of knowledge in the field of leisure studies

a leisure talk with Angela Brêtas


  • Adriano Gonçalves da Silva CEFET-MG
  • Lucilene Alencar das Dores IFSP
  • Alysson dos Anjos Silva UFMG


Leisure, Trajectories, Blackness


Based on the premise that the podcast, as a media language, is a way of disseminating knowledge and training subjects in the field of leisure, the aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the life trajectories of black researchers, participants of the podcast 'Papo de Lazer com Angela Brêtas' with their training and performance in the field of Leisure Studies. For this, we used as a methodology the survey of episodes that had black participants, the listening of the episodes and transcription of the excerpts in which the participants narrated life experiences in which the racial issue was present. The training that takes place in the academic context and the experiences of black subject-bodies, permeating the recognition of blackness and leisure experiences, provides the professionals with a politically engaged performance and have the podcast as a virtual environment of encounter. The trajectories of black researchers reaffirm their commitment to rescuing silenced and invisible histories and cultures in academia and denounce the existence of epistemic racism as a debt that requires political and responsible treatment with the history of the Brazilian black population.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves da Silva, A., Alencar das Dores, L., & dos Anjos Silva, A. (2024). Between trajectories of black lives and the production of knowledge in the field of leisure studies: a leisure talk with Angela Brêtas. Revista Brasileira De Estudos Do Lazer, 10(03), 3–20. Retrieved from