The idea (concept) of “third Reich” (Drittes Reich) in the German legal, philosophical and political thinking in the 20th Century - DOI: 10.9732/P.0034-7191.2014v109p177


  • Gábor Hamza


The idea that after the “National Socialist”takeover the German political propaganda strongly supported the naming of their land the “Third Reich”is a misperception. A circular letter that was issued by the Ministry of People’s Education and Propaganda of the German Empire in July 1939 explicitly forbade the official use of “Third Reich”. In March 1942 the Ministry of People’s Education and Propaganda issued a circular letter with provisions for the official name of the “New Germany”. In the preface of his work “Das dritte Reich” Arthur Moeller van den Bruckemphasizes that the notion of the “Third Empire”is ideological, that rises above reality. According to him only with the elimination of its pseudo-valuescan Germany fulfill its mission of reviving Europe.It is the duty of the young generation to revitalizethe dormant German intellectuals. Only as a result of such a “revolution” can the “Third Empire” come intoexistence. For political and philosophical reasons thenational socialist regime distanced itself from the idea of “Third Reich” already by the end of the 1930s. The“conservative revolutionary” branch of the “German Movement” – including all branches of the “conservative revolution” – was unacceptable as an ideological base for the national socialist rulers. The “völkisch”branch of the Deutsche Bewegung is an entirely different matter. Of all these different movements the Führerprinzip idea became the official ideology of the national socialist Germany.


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Biographie de l'auteur

Gábor Hamza

Chair Professor of Law at Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest (Hungary).





