The Constructional Network [[para lá de] [X]] in 21st Century Portuguese


  • Mariangela Rios de Oliveira Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Vanessa Barbosa de Paula Universidade Federal Fluminense


Constructional network [[para lá de] [X]], Functionalism, grammatical construction, linguistic change


This article raises, describes and analyses, in formal and functional terms, instances of the subschemas that make up the constructional network [[para lá de] [X]] in contemporary Portuguese from Brazil (PB) and Portugal (PE), more specifically from XXI century. The gradient and the distinct levels of intersubjectivity that mark this network are highlighted. Based on functionalist theoretical foundations linked to the constructional approach to grammar, from Traugott and Trousdale (2013), Hilper (2014) and Diessel (2017; 2019), among others, the research, in qualiquantitative analysis, according to Cunha Lacerda (2016), focuses on data collected in the Corpus do Português/Web Dialects. It appears that, in 21st century Portuguese: a) [[para lá de] [X]] is distributed in different pairings of form and meaning, forming a network of vertically and horizontally interconnected constructions based on subschemas forged through gradual processes of language change; b) this larger scheme is distributed into four subschemas, and three of these, in turn, are also subject to subcategorization; c) such constructional network presents relative productivity in the language and demonstrates that the gradient displayed in the current synchrony is associated with contexts of emergence of intensive degree construction [[para lá de] [X]], as well as changes that occur after constructionalization, increasing the network of language constructions.


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Thematic issue 30:2 (2022): Usage-based models: theory, analysis and teaching practice