A posição da oração completiva em construções subjetivas

o papel do design visual na dinâmica das construções


  • Nilza Barrozo Dias Universidade Federal Fluminense
  • Angelina Maganha Grigorio da Silva Universidade Federal Fluminense




subjective construction, modalization and evaluation, linguistic use, Grammar of Visual Design


In this article, subjective constructions of modalization (deontic and epistemic) and of evaluation are investigated, from the perspective of Use Centered Linguistics (BOYLAND, 2009; KEMMER; BARLOW, 1999), which, according to Diessel (2017) and Bybee (2016), presents Functionalist and Cognitive Linguistics contribution. Add to that the contribution of the Grammar of Visual Design in the dynamics of subjective construction in memes/posts. The subjective constructions are called deontic subjective constructions, epistemic subjective and evaluative subjective constructions, syntactically constituted by matrix clause followed by subjective complement clause. From 214 usage data collected from the Facebook social network site, we observed that discursive motivation determines the order of the subjective evaluative clause in relation to its matrix, since the topicalization of the subjective in the subjective evaluative construction presents very expressive results. On the contrary, the subjective epistemic construction values the categorical postposition of the complete clause. The matrix clause can be seen as a chunking, a sequential unit that projects impersonalization; the schematization of the category presents a slot that takes place as an adjective, the construction being partially schematic because the adjective that fills the slot varies between evaluative, deontic and epistemic. From a textual-discursive point of view, the subjective construction works as an “island” of impersonal, generic value, which is surrounded by personal information and personal experiences.





Thematic issue 30:2 (2022): Usage-based models: theory, analysis and teaching practice

How to Cite

A posição da oração completiva em construções subjetivas: o papel do design visual na dinâmica das construções. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, [S. l.], v. 30, n. 2, p. 871–905, 2024. DOI: 10.17851/2237-2083.30.2.871-905. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/relin/article/view/54633. Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.