O gênero instapoetry e a inteligência coletiva / The instapoetry genre and the collective intelligence


  • Ulisses Oliveira Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Bruna Osaki Fazano Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul


ideologia, instapoetry, inteligência coletiva gênero, Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional, ideology, collective intelligence, genre, systemic-functional linguistics.


Resumo: Nos últimos anos, a difusão das redes sociais tem propiciado intensas transformações culturais e linguísticas em nossa sociedade globalizada. Por meio do avanço tecnológico e da multiplicidade de gêneros que emergem na esfera digital, a criação e transformação de gêneros deve-se muito à amplitude multimodal oferecida em diversas plataformas virtuais, dentre as quais, destacamos o Instagram – rede social online de compartilhamento de conteúdo.  No seio desta popular ferramenta, um movimento crescente de jovens poetas vem ganhando proeminência literária. Os textos curtos, compartilháveis e de temática diversa dos instapoetas – autores egressos do Instagram – são reflexo de uma nova geração que vem ditando um novo conceito de publicação e comunicação com o público leitor. Diante desta forte tendência, o presente trabalho visa a analisar a estrutura da instapoetry à luz da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994), Estrutura Genérica Potencial (HASAN, 1989) e Gramática do Design Visual (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006; UNSWORTH, 2005). Pretende-se considerar os enquadramentos da instapoetry como gênero no ciberespaço, com o propósito de compreender algumas sistematizações do gênero. O corpus do trabalho é composto por textos de alguns expoentes desta literatura no cenário internacional (e.g. Rupi Kaur, Nikita Gill, Atticus), os quais ganham popularidade pela sensibilidade ao que alguns autores definem como “inteligência coletiva” (COSTA, 2015), um domínio público de valores compartilhados de grande profusão ideológica no universo online. Os resultados revelaram a influência da inteligência coletiva na instapoetry, assim como evidenciaram outras características do gênero.

Palavras-chave: ideologia; instapoetry; inteligência coletiva gênero; Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional.

Abstract: In recent years, the diffusion of social networks has led to intense cultural and linguistic transformations in our globalized society. Through the technological advancement and the multiplicity of genres that emerge in the digital world, the creation and transformation of genres is due to the multimodal language tools offered in several virtual platforms, among which we highlight Instagram – online social network for sharing content. Within this popular tool, a growing movement of young poets has gained literary prominence. The short, shareable and varied-themed texts of the instapoetsInstagram authors – are a reflection of a new generation that has been dictating a new concept of publication and communication among the reading public. In view of this strong tendency, we observed the structure of instapoetry in the light of Systemic-Functional Linguistics, Generic Structure Potential and Grammar of Visual Design. In this paper we investigate the frameworks of instapoetry as a genre in cyberspace, with the purpose of understanding some systematizations thereof. The corpus of the work is composed of texts by some exponents of this literature in the international scene (e.g. Rupi Kaur, Nikita Gill, Atticus), which have been gaining popularity by the sensitivity to what some authors define as “collective intelligence” (COSTA, 2015). Our results indicate that, despite the great diversity, there are aspects of the compositional form, theme and style that configure this new tradition of the digital era as a genre. The results revealed the influence of the collective intelligence on instapoetry, as well as evidenced other characteristics of the genre.

Keywords: ideology; instapoetry; collective intelligence; genre; Systemic-Functional Linguistics.


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Biografia do Autor

Ulisses Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul

Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies from the PUC-São Paulo and M.A. degree in the same area and university. Work as Associate Professor at Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) teaching subjects on the scope of Linguistics and English for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Previously, worked as Assistant Professor at Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), and was English lecturer and the Coordinator of LEP (Laureate English Program) of Laureate International Universities in the School of Business & Hospitality at the University Anhembi Morumbi. During that time, taught English to Marketing, Business Administration, International Trade, Hospitality and International Relations majors. Ongoing research deals with: (I) Tandem learning, focusing on ICT in education for In-curriculum disciplines and Content & Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) for undergraduate students; (II) ideology and persuasion within the theoretical framework of the Systemic-Functional Linguistics; and (III) Portuguese Philology and diachronic studies involving medieval Galaic-Portuguese chants with a special regard to language and historical studies of both Iberian and Brazilian societies. 


