Editorial Policy



Contribute to the dissemination, access and use of knowledge produced in Nursing and related areas, both nationally and internationally, covering education, research, management and health care.



Publish research results and other studies such as reviews, reports and reflections that contribute to the advancement of Nursing and health practices in teaching, research, care and management.

The following is considered for publication in REME: topicality, originality and relevance of the topic, scientific consistency, respect for the ethical standards, and compliance with the editorial policy and publication standards described in the instructions to the authors.

Manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. In the case of the manuscripts written in English or Spanish, translation of the final and approved version will also be requested, in this case to the Portuguese language. The manuscripts will be published in English and Portuguese or in Spanish and English.

Any and all manuscripts submitted to REME may not be simultaneously forwarded to another journal. Veracity of the diverse information and bibliographic citations is the authors' exclusive responsibility. In case simultaneous publication or submission to another journal is identified, the article will be disregarded.

REME follows the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) as well as the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the Clinical Trials policy of the World Health Organization (WHO), the Good Clinical Practice and the Declaration of Helsinki (1964, reformulated in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000, 2008 and 2013), as well as it meets the laws regulating research studies carried out in Brazil.



The Journal has CONTINUOUS periodicity (rolling press), and the articles are published as soon as they are approved, reviewed, normalized, standardized, first in AHEAD OF PRINT and, subsequently, after translation and layout, in the CURRENT EDITION

Numbering of the volumes is sequential, corresponding to the civil year. In 2023, the Journal is publishing its 27th volume.

Each volume consists of up to 120 articles. Each article receives a sequential number at the publication time, preceded by the letter "e", elocation-id. This number identifies the article in the collection. Each article has its own page numbering, according to the number of pages that comprise the study.
For example: REME. 2019; 23:e-1260:1-7; REME. 2019; 23 (e-1261):1-4.



Each volume, published during the current year and with continuous periodicity, has the following structure: EDITORIAL, RESEARCH, REVIEW, REPORTS, REFLECTION.


It refers to relevant topics of the scientific, academic and socio-political contexts. Optional publication at invitation of the journal's General Editor.


Communications of original and unpublished research results, with a qualitative and/or quantitative methodological approach, which contribute to the construction of knowledge in Nursing and related areas.


A critical and methodological evaluation of the literature in relation to topics of major importance for Nursing in current or seasonal themes, with impacts on well-being and care. Reviews based on methodological rigor that present critical evaluations of the literature in the scope of Nursing and related areas will be considered. Systematic reviews are published - followed or not by meta-analysis or meta-synthesis; as well as integrative reviews and scoping review, as long as they are strictly guided by the checklist and flowcharts indicated in the EQUATOR Network guides and guidelines.


Descriptions of interventions, experiences or cases encompassing Health Care, Nursing Care and Education in Health.


A reflective text of special relevance that makes contributions to the evolution of thinking and knowledge in Nursing and Health.


The manuscripts received are evaluated regarding their presentation (standards and rules) by the technical team, as well as in relation to the scientific content by the General and/or Scientific and Associated Editors, Editorial Board, ad hoc reviewers and advisors, who reserve the right to accept or reject them.

The manuscripts sent for peer review are those approved in the pre-selection carried out by the editors, who analyze the materials in terms of: compliance with the scope, thematic relevance, innovation and addition to existing knowledge, methodology, consistency and clarity of writing, and full compliance with the presentation standards and norms. The manuscripts approved in the pre-selection stage are charged the evaluation fee.

The manuscripts shall be submitted for the appraisal of at least two advisors indicated by the editors, in compliance with the specialty/subject matter. In cases of disagreement in the evaluation, the manuscript will be forwarded to a third reviewer.

The General and/or Scientific Editor, based on the opinions issued by the Associate Editors and/or reviewers, will issue the final acceptance opinion and return the materials to the authors for corrections or rejection.

The indications for corrections suggested by the reviewers to the authors shall be sent to the latter and returned to the former until final approval of rejection.

The submission and peer review process takes place in an online environment, in a double-blind system (without knowledge of authors/reviewers, and vice versa); however, explicit collaboration of the editors and/or reviewers is possible, among the authors for improvement and approval of the study, consisting of the following stages, in which the manuscripts are:

    1. registered in the OJS system, of online submission, which will issue the protocol number (flow code) and the declaration of receipt;
    2. received by the technical team and evaluated for physical presentation - initial review for REME's requirements standards (authors' identification and affiliation, titles and parts of the paper, abstract, citations and bibliographic references according to the Vancouver standard) and documentation;
    3. Forwarded to the General and/or Scientific Editor for pre-selection and, if SUITABLE, for peer review, forwarded to the Associated Editors of the theme for monitoring the evaluation process and nominating reviewers. Before being sent to the reviewers, the manuscript undergoes a similarity assessment using the "CheckForPlagiarism.net" software and, when applicable, is returned to the authors for possible adjustments of non-standard items identified by the technical team and payment of the evaluation fee . Manuscripts are sent for content review, peer review, only if they are in accordance with the standards and norms adopted by the journal;
    4. forwarded to the reviewers, indicated by the Associate Editor; two expert reviewers in the relevant area are appointed, kept anonymous, selected from a list of reviewers, without identification of the authors, institution data and place of origin of the manuscript. The reviewers will always be from institutions other than the one to which the author of the manuscript is affiliated;
    5. after receiving the opinions, the Associate Editor evaluates and issues the final opinion, which is forwarded to the Scientific Editor, who decides to accept the article without modifications, refuse it, or return it to the authors with suggestions for changes;
    6. in case a manuscript is returned to the authors with suggestions for changes, the corrected version must be sent to the reviewers for a new evaluation and verification that all the suggestions for adjustments were included in the new material;
    7. each version will always be analyzed by the Scientific and General Editors, who are responsible for final approval;
    8. upon final approval, the General or Scientific Editors carry out a second similarity evaluation procedure using the "Ithenticate" software. Practices that harm scientific integrity, such as plagiarism and self-plagiarism, will be taken for evaluation by the Editorial Board to decide on the penalties defined in Conflicts of Interest, Ethical Aspects and Actions. Authors will be immediately notified of all stages of this process.


According to the recommendation by the ICMJE, only individuals who meet the authorship criteria can be designed as authors.

REME limits the number of authors for submission of a manuscript to 8 and defines that all and only the researchers who, having expressly agreed with this indication, have made direct and substantial intellectual contributions to conception or conduction of the research whose results are presented therein must be indicated. It also states that the respective contribution of each author must be recorded, according to the definitions of contributions presented in the "Instructions to the Authors".

Regarding editorial accountability, REME does not assume any responsibility for the opinions expressed in the articles. Any concept, idea or opinion stated in the manuscripts, as well as the origin and accuracy of the citations therein contained, are the author(s) sole responsibility. Omissions will be resolved by the Editorial Board.

As for "copyrights", the authors must transfer copyright of the article to REME at the time of submission, as established in the instructions to the authors and in the online submission system. Access to its content is free and immediate, following the principle of gratuity and democratization of public access to scientific knowledge.

For availability and use of articles in open access, REME adopts the Creative Commons Attribution International Public License: CC-BY, which allows the following: “sharing - copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format; adapting - remixing, transforming and building upon the material for any purpose, provided proper credit is given, providing a link to the license and indicating if changes have been made” (CC BY).


Regarding the "conflicts of interest", the authors must declare their non-existence through the submission system.

"Conflicts of interest" are understood as situations generated by a confrontation between public and private, institutional and personal interests, influenced by the interests of one of the parties to obtain advantages, harming the others and compromising the collective interest, in unethical (incorrect and inappropriate) and immoral (resulting in harms) conducts.

"There is a potential conflict of interests in situations in which the coexistence between the researcher's interest in advancing science and interests of another nature, even if legitimate, can be reasonably perceived by him or by others, as conflicting and harmful to the objectivity and impartiality of their scientific decisions, even regardless of their knowledge and will. In these situations, the researcher must consider, depending on the nature and seriousness of the conflict, their ability to make these decisions and, eventually, must refrain from taking them." (FAPESP, 2014, p.25)

For the "conflicts of interest” issues, REME adopts and recommends the following publications:

  • ICMJE: Uniform Format for Disclosure of Competing Interests in ICMJE Journals. Updated July 2010: Editorial; Disclosure form
  • WAME Conflict of Interest Policy Statement. March, 2009
  • Rothman DJ, McDonald WJ, Berkowitz CD, Chimonas SC, DeAngelis CD, Hale RW, et al. Professional medical associations and their relationships with industry: a proposal for controlling conflict of interest. JAMA. 2009;301(13):1367-1372. PMID: 19336712

As for the practices that evidence misconduct, such as: data fabrication; falsification of data and information, procedures and results; concealment of possible conflicts of interest; plagiarism; and self-plagiarism, among others, that harm scientific integrity of the journal, they are taken for evaluation by the Editorial Board to decide penalties that range from request to rewrite the manuscript and rejection of the manuscript to suspension of publication in the journal, and even to communication of plagiarism to the author(s) and their respective institution.

For "plagiarism" issues, REME carries out, for all manuscripts submitted and approved, in two moments, the similarity verification procedure. Such checks take place during the pre-analysis of the submitted manuscripts and during the peer review stage of the works already belonging to the journal's editorial board. These checks will be processed through "CheckForPlagiarism.net" and "Ithenticate" software and the reports generated by the platforms will be analyzed and will support the decisions taken by the responsible editors.

Upon detecting a high level of similarity, depending on the database they have identified, the editors will ask the author(s) to rewrite that part and cite the original source. In cases of extensive similarity the authors will be immediately notified, the manuscript will be rejected and the authors' affiliation institution will be notified.

For the sake of ethics in research and of good publication practices, REME grounds its actions on the "Declaration of Helsinki": Ethical Principles for Medical Research: Researchers, authors, sponsors, publishing companies and publishers have ethical obligations with respect to the publication and dissemination of research results. Researchers have the responsibility to make publicly available the results of their research studies involving human beings and are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their reports.

All of them must adhere to the accepted guidelines for ethical reports. Negative and inconclusive results, as well those that are positive, must be published or made publicly available through some other means. The funding sources, institutional affiliations and conflicts of interest must be stated in the publication. Research reports that do not comply with the principles set forth in this Declaration should not be accepted for publication.

Thus, REME supports and follows the recommendations included in the guides and guidelines that sustain the aforementioned Declaration:


Free Access

REME provides public, free and immediate access to its entire content, except when identified for non-publication.

Published articles are licensed under the CC-BY Creative Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.pt) which allows the following: copying and redistributing the material in any media or format; adapting - remixing, transforming and building upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, as long as credit and source are acknowledged.

Copyrights are the exclusive property of REME – Revista Mineira de Enfermagem, transferred upon the Declaration of Copyright Transfer at the time of manuscript submission.

Open Science

In response to the requirements of the "Open Science" movement - transparent, accessible and reproducible knowledge - REME started to adopt the priority actions defined by SciELO for alignment with Open Science for the 2019-2023 period: use of the ORCID registry for identification of the authors; indication of the authors' contributions; digital preservation; marketing in social media, transparency and beginning of openness in peer review; adoption of "preprint" (acceptance of manuscripts previously deposited in preprint repositories), with open peer review, and other TOP - Transparency and Openness Promotion recommendations (https://osf.io/dngy3/).



The documentation related to the accepted and rejected manuscripts will be filed in accordance with the Filing policy of the Journals Portal and the Computer Center of Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG.


The names and addresses informed in this journal will be exclusively used for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.

Digital Preservation

For “Digital Preservation”, REME follows the procedures adopted by the UFMG Journals Portal, part of the “Cariniana Digital Preservation Services Network” of the Brazilian Institute of Information, Science and Technology (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação, Ciência e Tecnologia, IBICT), combined with the Stanford University LOCKSS system, for the promotion of digital filing and preservation of permanent and original digital contents, as well as guaranteeing access to them.