Prevalence of dental caries in babies and their relationship with the knowledge and habits of mothers


  • Marcos Cezar Pomini Universidade Estadual de Campinas
  • Jessica Galvan Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
  • Gisele Fernandes Dias Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
  • Nayara Silva de Gouvêa Hospital Universitário Regional dos Campos Gerais
  • Fabiana Bucholdz Teixeira Alves Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa



Oral health, Health education, Dental caries, Child health


Objective: To verify the association between prevalence of dental caries in early childhood and the mother’s socioeconomic profile and habits/information regarding their children’s oral hygiene and use of dentifrice.

Methods: This cross-sectional study evaluated 82 pair samples (mothers and infants at 06-36 months old) that sought dental care at the university. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee on Research with Humans, and after having received their consent to participate, through the signing of an Informed Consent Form, the mothers answered a structured questionnaire in order to obtain information about the socioeconomic profile, knowledge and oral hygiene habits, and the use of fluoride toothpaste. Clinical examination of the babies was conducted using the dmft index. Data were tabulated in absolute and relative frequencies, and the associations were assessed using the Chi-squared and Fisher’s exact tests (p = 0.05).

Results: The prevalence of caries and dmft was 25.6% and 1.5, respectively. It was found that 57 mothers (69.5%) had received some orientation about oral hygiene in early childhood; however, this information, as well as the frequency of oral hygiene, type and amount of dentifrice, and age in which brushing started, presented no statistically significant association with the prevalence of dental caries. There was a significant association between the socioeconomic profile (p = 0.004) with the onset of the disease.

Conclusion: The present study concluded that there is no association between maternal hygiene habits and their children’s use of dentifrice with the prevalence of dental caries in early childhood. However, there is an association with the socioeconomic level, which demonstrates the need to carry out strategies to reinforce the information conveyed to the mothers under social vulnerability.


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How to Cite

Pomini, M. C., Galvan, J., Dias, G. F., Gouvêa, N. S. de, & Alves, F. B. T. (2018). Prevalence of dental caries in babies and their relationship with the knowledge and habits of mothers. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 54.




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