Prevalence of occupational accidents and vaccination profile against Hepatitis B between students and dental professionals

a pilot study


  • Epitácio Pessoa de Andrade Neto Cirurgião-dentista Author
  • Caio de Santiago Dutra Cirurgião-dentista Author
  • Vilma Lima Universidade Federal do Ceará Author
  • Paula Goes Universidade Federal do Ceará Author



Occupational health, Hepatitis B, Occupational exposure


Aim: To determine the prevalence of occupational accidents and vaccinal status against Hepatitis B among dental students and professional dentists.

Materials and Methods: This pilot study, in descriptive character, used an applied questionnaire to collect relevant data that contemplated items of subject identification, accident characteristics, and conduct referent to dental exposure. This study’s sample consisted of dental students from Rainha do Sertão Catholic University (FCRS) and professionals from Quixadá, Ceará, Brazil.

Results: Thirty-two individuals were interviewed. Of these individuals, 59% reported that they had never suffered any kind of accident, while 41% had already experienced some type of occupational accident. Among those who reported injuries, 38% were male and 62% female. The instruments most related to accidents included: gingival needle and dental probe. In the majority of cases, the accidents were of the percutaneous type, although 100% of the individuals had confirmed the use of individual protection equipment. Regarding vaccinal status against hepatitis B, although the majority of the interviewed individuals had reported prior vaccination (83%), only 23% presented a serology to the anti-Hb antibody.

Conclusion: Despite the reduced sample size, the prevalence of occupational exposure to biological material is high, and the vaccinal status against Hepatitis B it is still poor among dental students and dental professionals in Quixadá.


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How to Cite

Prevalence of occupational accidents and vaccination profile against Hepatitis B between students and dental professionals: a pilot study. (2016). Arquivos Em Odontologia, 49(1).