Overdentures mandibulares sobre implantes imediatos não esplintados, em carga imediata

acompanhamento de 36 meses


  • Francisca Daniele Jardilino Silami Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author
  • Ligia Domingues Padovezi Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author
  • Claúdia Lopes Brilhante Bhering Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author
  • Sérgio Carvalho Costa Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author
  • Maria Carmem Fonseca Serpa Carvalho Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author
  • José Augusto César Discacciati Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Author




Dental extraction, Immediate total prosthesis, Dental implant, Chew, Aesthetics, Quality of life


Aim: This study aimed to report the survival rate of immediate implants supporting mandibular overdentures, which have been immediately loaded, and the success rate of the treatments followed up for 36 months.

Methods: The implants were installed in a university extension project that seeks to rehabilitate low-income patients with seriously compromised dentitions. Forty-two patients were selected for the study. In three cases, the primary stability proved to be incompatible with the immediate loading procedure on implants. Thus, in these cases prostheses were captured conventionally after the period of osseointegration. Thirty-nine patients received the proposed treatment. Three of them suffered an early loss of one of the implants, all in the first month after the procedures. The lost implants were replaced and recaptured after three months. Thirty-six patients completed the period of osseointegration without implant loss. The patients were evaluated every six months, and twenty-five patients completed the study. Eleven patients did not take part in the follow-up sessions for various reasons.

Results: The survival rate until the end of the period of osseointegration was 96.15%, in other words, within the 78 immediately loaded implants, three were lost. The success rate of treatments followed up for 36 months was 100%, without additional loss of implants.

Conclusion: The oral rehabilitation of patients using overdentures on immediate implants with immediate loading, using the ball system, proved to be very satisfactory, with a high survival rate of the implants, and high success rates of treatments followed up for 36 months.


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How to Cite

Overdentures mandibulares sobre implantes imediatos não esplintados, em carga imediata: acompanhamento de 36 meses. (2018). Arquivos Em Odontologia, 54. https://doi.org/10.7308/aodontol/2018.54.e17

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