Periodontal diagnosis

knowledge and attitudes of dentistry students


  • Julya Ribeiro Campos Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Flávia Isabela Barbosa Universidade de Itaúna



Periodontia diagnostic, Diagnostic services, Diagnostic methods


Aim: Diagnostic capability is essential in all areas of dentistry. In periodontics, the diagnosis must be judicious, requiring students’ and professionals’ knowledge, skill, and perception. The use of the available resources and the correct interpretation of these results in an appropriate diagnosis can directly influence the therapeutic success. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes of academians from the Dentistry School of the University of Itaúna regarding diagnoses in periodontics.

Methods: A total of 154 students from the 7th to the 10th semesters, who had completed both the Integrated Clinic course as well as the discipline of periodontics, participated in this study.

Results: The results revealed that the students have difficulties to perform the diagnosis of periodontal diseases. The greatest difficulty appears to be in the application of the knowledge acquired during the course in clinical practice.

Conclusion: The literature indicates that teaching resources, such as flowcharts, can benefit students and result in an increase in correct diagnoses.


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How to Cite

Campos, J. R., & Barbosa, F. I. (2023). Periodontal diagnosis: knowledge and attitudes of dentistry students. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 54.


