The Myofunctional Treatment in class III patients recommended for Orthognathic Surgery


  • Camila Velloso Aléssio Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Carolina Lisbôa Mezzomo Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Daiane Körbes Universidade Federal de Santa Maria


Class III malocclusion, Speech, language and hearing science


The present study was developed to verify the myofunctional therapist’s performance during the pre- and post-surgical stages of patients recommended for and submitted to orthognathic surgery. This study attempts to emphasize the aspects of myofunctional therapy involved in this process, that is, the myofunctional alterations, the assessment, and the myofunctional therapy. Issues concerning the etiology of Angle’s class III dento-facial deformity and its anatomophysiological characteristics were approached through a thorough revision of the literature. In addition, the importance of the inclusion of different professionals in the interdisciplinary team is highlighted due to the core focus on the performance of myofunctional therapy. This study also aims to determine the evolution of the application of myofunctional therapy in the therapeutic treatment of patients with dento-facial deformities who are submitted to orthognathic surgery. Through the thorough revision of the literature, one can identify the importance of myofunctional therapy, implemented by a multiprofessional team, during the entire treatment process.


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How to Cite

Aléssio, C. V., Mezzomo, C. L., & Körbes, D. (2016). The Myofunctional Treatment in class III patients recommended for Orthognathic Surgery. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 43(3). Retrieved from


