Adolescents’ perceptions of essential competencies for dentists


  • Elisabete Rabaldo Bottan Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
  • Alexssandra de Jesus Vitoretti Universidade do Vale do Itajaí
  • Diésse Gindri Santi Cirurgiã-dentista
  • Eliane Garcia da Silveira Universidade do Vale do Itajaí



Adolescent, Dental staff, Dentist-patient relation, Patient satisfaction


Aim: This study aimed to analyze the essential characteristics of the dentist from the adolescents’ point of view.

Methods: This is a descriptive study, using a qualitative approach. The target population consisted of 9th graders enrolled in schools within the urban area of two cities, one in the mid-western region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Town A), and the other in the southern region of state of Santa Catarina (Town B). Non-probability sampling was used, adopting the convenience sampling procedure. Data collection was carried out based on the principles of the Free Word Association Technique. The numerous evocations mentioned by the subjects were listed and classified into categories, according to conceptual similarity. Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out, using a probability calculation of each evocation occurrence. To verify the association between analysis categories and gender and hometown, the Chi- square test was used (p ≤ 0.01). This study counted on 458 participants, 52% of which were male, with an average age of 13.66 years.

Results: Overall, the category Interpersonal Relationship obtained a higher probability of occurrence (0.516) when compared to the category Technical Competence Scientific (0.484). The analysis according to the city showed differences. In city A there was a predominance of the Technical and Scientific Competence category. In city B the most prominent category was Interpersonal Relationship. The city of origin influenced the perception of adolescents; however, there was no significant association to the factor of gender.

Conclusion: The characteristics essential to exercising the dentist’s profession in the view of teenagers are related to a humanized interpersonal relationship, allied with the ability to carry out clinical procedures according to technical and scientific standards.


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How to Cite

Bottan, E. R., Vitoretti, A. de J., Santi, D. G., & Silveira, E. G. da. (2016). Adolescents’ perceptions of essential competencies for dentists. Arquivos Em Odontologia, 51(3).


