Study of the Use of Epigraphs in Le bec de canard, by Gilbert Sinoué




intertextuality, epigraph, heterogeneity, otherness, multiculturalism, world literature


The aim of this article is to study epigraphic practice in Gilbert Sinoué’s Le bec de canard and analyze its aesthetic implications. To do so, this contribution starts from the hypothesis that this practice is part of the aesthetics of the heterogeneous, which imbues the text with an inner dynamic and installs an intertextuality concerned with the richness and variety of cultural and literary imaginaries. This practice is also a sign of the textual and literary otherness sought by the author. Sinoué’s novel proves to be a meeting place for several texts of different obediences. This contribution will therefore be structured around two axes: firstly, we will provide some theoretical considerations on intertextuality; secondly, we will analyze the practice of epigraphs in the aforementioned work.


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How to Cite

Dirhoussi, L. (2024). Study of the Use of Epigraphs in Le bec de canard, by Gilbert Sinoué. Caligrama: Revista De Estudos Românicos, 29(1), 115–125.