A educação dos negros: uma nova face do processo de abolição do trabalho escravo no Brasil


  • Marcos V. Fonseca


História, Educação, Negros, Abolição, Crianças Negras, Lei do Ventre Livre


The education of Back People: a new face of the abolition process f the slave work in Brazil. This Article has the purpose to analyze the relation between the slave work in Brazil and the education in of black people. Despite the education has not carried out great influence on the abolition model established in 1888, we will try show how this subjects were presented as a parallel and complementary active on the transition process for an organized society with the free work.


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How to Cite

Fonseca, M. V. (2023). A educação dos negros: uma nova face do processo de abolição do trabalho escravo no Brasil. Educação Em Revista, 16(NUMEROESPECIAL). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/edrevista/article/view/43192