Notas para uma história do escotismo no Brasil: a "psicologia escoteira" e a teoria do caráter como pedagogia de civismo (1914- 1937)


  • Judith Zuquim
  • Roney Cytrynowicz


Development of Psychology, Development of Education, Scouting


This work is based on research concerning the reception of scouting in Brazil, having as its emphasis the initial route of this movement until it was largely introduction via the state school system, constituted a specific form of civilianship pedagogy. Where as in England scouting was organized to deal with what was considered to be a weakness of youth and to mobile them against the anti-colonial insurrections and as part of the mobilization instituted during the First War, in Brazil scouting had its incentive in the Liga de Defesa Nacional, and its diffusion was associated with the school system, that saw in the movement a primary school of civilianship. For supporters of the need to reinforce national pride, strengthen the character was the key to realizing a patriotic destiny. This conception caused the Estado Novo to adopt scouting as a model for its Juventude Brasileira, a movement that can be ideologically identified with Balilla and Hitler Youth.


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How to Cite

Zuquim, J., & Cytrynowicz, R. (2023). Notas para uma história do escotismo no Brasil: a "psicologia escoteira" e a teoria do caráter como pedagogia de civismo (1914- 1937). Educação Em Revista, 18(35). Retrieved from