A Antologia Nacional e a ascensão do português no currículo da escola secundária brasileira


  • Maria de Paula Gregorio Razzini


Antologia Nacional, Colégio Pedro II, Education


This paper outlines the main of the authors PhD work about the Antologia Nacional (1895-1969) by Fausto Barreto e Carlos de Laet, a school selection used for more than seventy years. Talking as a reference the Teaching Programs of Colégio Pedro II (a model Brazilian secondary school) and the appropriate legislation, a historical study of Portuguese Language and Literature instruction in Brazilian secondary schools was carried out in order to understand the success and the decay of this text-book.


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How to Cite

Razzini, M. de P. G. (2023). A Antologia Nacional e a ascensão do português no currículo da escola secundária brasileira. Educação Em Revista, 18(35). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufmg.br/index.php/edrevista/article/view/44729