Nova batimetria e avaliação de parâmetros morfométricos da Lagoa da Pampulha (Belo Horizonte, Brasil)
Pampulha reservoir, accretion, dredge, bathymetry, morphometric parametersAbstract
“Lagoa da Pampulha” is an artificial reservoir that integrates the “Pampulha Architectural Complex”, in Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais, Brazil. In recent decades, the accretion process has intensified, due to the population and industrial increase in its hydrographic basin. In this same period, a series of interventions took place in the reservoir, altering its primary and secondary morphometric data. This study aims to present the current morphometry of the Pampulha reservoir. A detailed bathymetric survey was performed, which has made possible the compilation of a bathymetric map as well as the determination of primary and secondary morphometric data. The results obtained were compared to previous studies. There was volume increase in comparison to 1999, and other morphometric parameters suffered alteration, as a reflex of those recent interventions. The knowledge and the correct reading of the discovered data are very important for planning actions aiming at the complete recuperation of the Pampulha lake.
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Copyright (c) 2007 Rafael Pereira Resck, José Fernandes Bezerra Neto, Ricardo Motta Pinto Coelho
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