Método e técnicas geográficas utilizadas na análise e zoneamento ambiental
Mapping, Geoenvironmental, MethodAbstract
The mapping units of landscape is a geographical approach that aims to integrate the elements of society and nature. The article presents the concepts, analysis methods and techniques of science geographical mapping current that forms the basis for studies developed by LAGEOLAM/UFSM. The use of Geographic Information Systems and Geoprocessing technique allows analysis to integrate complex data from various sources and to create data banks georeferenced, making it possible to automate the production of cartographic documents and the decision was taken quickly and accurately. Thus, it is a proposal for Mapping and Zoning Geoenvironmental using basic routine the division of area of study in homogeneous units, according to the characterization and variation of its main attributes. The basis for defining homogeneous units following criteria to search for and identification of aggregation parameters of rocky substrate, relief, soil, drainage, use and occupation of land, and other significant environmental features. As the final product, the map geoenvironmental defines the units that will be the basis for the analysis of weaknesses and potential of an environmental area
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Copyright (c) 2009 Luis Eduardo de Souza Robaina, Romário Trentin, Dionara de Nardin, Sandro Sidnei Vargas de Cristo
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