Desenvolvimento rural e reestruturação espacial na interação rural-urbana

considerações teóricas




Rural development, rural-urban interaction, rural multifunctionality


This note discusses the diversity of space processes and the configuring a rural space complex, a reflection on the role of different systems and the participation of rural in interaction with different actors and agents, interacting in political, economic, social, cultural and environmental relations. The result of these interactions is the spatial differentiation. When trying to understand the restructuring of rural in the model of sustainable development, attempts to recognize that the rural introduces a new social and economic framework. The multifunctional space, with the coexistence of different interests resulting from the interaction of rural-urban space systems is an example.


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Author Biography

Felipe da Silva Machado, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Mestrando em Geografia – UFRJ.


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How to Cite

Machado, F. da S. (2012). Desenvolvimento rural e reestruturação espacial na interação rural-urbana: considerações teóricas. Revista Geografias, 8(2), 122–130.


