Aspectos hidrogeomorfológicos do sistema fluvial do baixo rio Uraricoera e alto rio Branco como subsídio à gestão de terras


  • Thiago Morato de Carvalho Universidade Federal de Roraima
  • Roseane Pereira Morais Universidade Federal de Roraima



Fluvial Geomorphology, wetlands, management, Branco river, Roraima


This paper presents a description of the morphological aspects, hydrological and their respective dynamics of the fluvial system of lower Uraricoera river and upper Branco river. It’s a pour described environment and must be analyzed from the morphogenetic perspective, providing conditions for the understanding of their behavior and your management for land use, linked to territorial and environmental management. Are areas protected by law and owned by Union, with some risk to invasion by grabbing and other uses, being located near urban centers like Boa Vista and Caracaraí. Remote sensing and geoprocessing were used based on orbital images (Landsat and RapidEye) and aerial photographs (1943, 1965) available and analyzed in the Lab. of Landscape Metrics (Mepa) from Dep. of Geography/UFRR. This river system has dynamic islands, with tendency of attachment in the floodplain, and with relatively stable areas in the lower Uraricoera river. Anthropogenic disturbance does not occur in island areas, they have a low population density, which they are not characterized like ribeirinhos, but as users, and in some cases use for living, however, have no family and cultural identity to the site. This study is part of research in development which aims to characterize the hydrogeomorphological dynamics and habitats of Roraima, with some partial results presented in this text for the fluvial system of Branco river.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, T. M. de, & Morais, R. P. (2014). Aspectos hidrogeomorfológicos do sistema fluvial do baixo rio Uraricoera e alto rio Branco como subsídio à gestão de terras. Revista Geografias, 10(2), 118–135.


