Climatologia das chuvas em Rondônia – período 1981-2011


  • Rafael Rodrigues da Franca



climatology, rainfall, Rondônia, space-time variability, maps


Rainfall is the most important atmospheric factor in the intertropical region, either by their expressiveness in terms of volume, temporal and spatial variability or even by meteoric impacts caused by intense rainfall events. The Amazon region is distinguished by being one of the longest warm, moist areas of the planet, with rainfall around 2300 mm/year on average, and up to 5000 mm/year in the western sector of the region. In Rondônia, volumes of rainfall between 1300 and 2600 mm/year are found. The prevailing climate in Rondônia is the Equatorial Warm Wet type with three months dry. This article analyzed the climatological behavior of rainfall in Rondonia in the period 1981-2011 from data of eighteen weather stations in different localities of the state. Data were tabulated and analyzed climatologically by techniques of descriptive statistics in Excel 2007 software. The annual and seasonal climatological maps shown were constructed in ArcMap 9.3 with cartographic databases of the IBGE. The results show that the northern end of Rondônia has an annual rainfall of more than 2100 mm/year, while the valley of Mamore, on the border with Bolivia, the yearly total is around 1600 mm.


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How to Cite

Franca, R. R. da. (2015). Climatologia das chuvas em Rondônia – período 1981-2011. Revista Geografias, 11(1), 44–58.




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