Padrão de mobilidade do caso colombiano do final do século XX e começos do século XXI

uma aproximação a partir dos censos de 1993 e 2005 e do sistema de registro sobre deslocamento forçado


  • Sulma Marcela Cuervo Ramírez
  • Alisson Flávio Barbieri
  • Jose Irineu Rangel Rigotti



space mobility, internal migration, forced displacement, international migration, armed conflict, Colombia


The purpose of this article is to contribute to the understanding of the migration behavior of Colombia, in the transition to the 21st century, integrating into its analysis other forms of internal and international mobility of a voluntary and forced character. The aim is to highlight the importance of complementarity of information sources in order to achieve a better understanding of the concept of spatial mobility and to assess the impact of armed conflict beyond national borders in Colombia. To this end, the data on voluntary and forced internal migrations that provided the demographic censuses of 1993 and 2005 were analyzed; the information on forced displacement, for the period 1980 to 2014, provided by the Single System of Registration of Forced Displaced Persons; DANE's international migration estimates; and information on international refugees released by UNHCR. The results of the analysis provide elements to confirm that the Colombian migratory pattern cannot be interpreted without considering other forms of mobility.


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Author Biographies

Sulma Marcela Cuervo Ramírez

Pesquisadora Pós Doutorado em Demografia UFMG / CEDEPLAR

Alisson Flávio Barbieri

Prof Associado do Departamento de Demografia UFMG / CEDEPLAR

Jose Irineu Rangel Rigotti

Prof Adjunto do Departamento de Demografia UFMG / CEDEPLAR


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How to Cite

Ramírez, S. M. C., Barbieri, A. F., & Rigotti, J. I. R. (2017). Padrão de mobilidade do caso colombiano do final do século XX e começos do século XXI: uma aproximação a partir dos censos de 1993 e 2005 e do sistema de registro sobre deslocamento forçado. Revista Geografias, 74–85.