Inventário de Emissão de Gases de Efeituo Estufa

uma Análise da Divulgação Voluntária Brasileira no ano de 2014


  • Pedro Fialho Cordeiro Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia SENAI FIEMG – CETEC – Belo Horizonte/MG
  • Samuel Rodrigues Castro Departamento de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental – Faculdade de Engenharia Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Marina Andrada Maria Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia SENAI FIEMG – CETEC – Belo Horizonte/MG



Greenhouse Gas Emissions, GGE, GHG Protocol, Voluntary Disclosure Index


The greenhouse gas emissions inventories - GHG have been showingn to be an important tool to support the understanding of emission standards and the development of management and mitigation strategies. In Brazil, the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program was launched in 2008 in order to enable the voluntary management of GHG emissions by entities in promoting a platform for the disclosure of inventories. In this way, the present study aims to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the inventories published in 2014 by a Voluntary Disclosure Index (VDi), which varies from 0 to 3. The VDi were calculated for the Brazilian states entities in order to verify adherence to the GHG emissions management tool. The study was based on secondary data published in the Brazilian public registry of GHG emissions and on the methodology stipulated by the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program. The index was represented geographically throughout the national territory. The development of the VDi allowed to evaluate the inventories published in 2014, which indicates that the states entities of in the Brazilian southeast region, with greater resources, stood out with higher values of VDi, with an average of 2.36 for Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. Establishing of this methodology may put more pressure on local organizations to join GHG disclosures. Thus, VDi presents itself as a tool with the potential to contribute to the improvement of management and planning of the necessary mitigation actions.


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How to Cite

Cordeiro, P. F., Castro, S. R., & Maria, M. A. (2017). Inventário de Emissão de Gases de Efeituo Estufa: uma Análise da Divulgação Voluntária Brasileira no ano de 2014. Revista Geografias, 23–30.