Caracterização espacial da migração de retorno ao Nordeste

uma análise dos fluxos migratórios intermunicipais nos quinquênios 1995-2000 e 2005-2010


  • Járvis Campos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
  • Cristiano Sathler dos Reis Doutor em Demografia pelo CEDEPLAR/UFMG
  • Douglas Sathler Reis Universidade Federal do Vale do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri - UFVJM



Return migration, Interregional migration flows, Naturality of migration, Urban hierarchy


In recent decades, important changes have been
observed in migration dynamics, such as the drastic reduction of interregional migration flows to the Southeast, and the intensification of return migration, especially the return to the Northeast. In this context, this study aims to identify and map the inter-municipal five-year migratory flows to the municipalities of the Northeast, and the origin in the
other municipalities of Brazil, in the last two decades.
The returnees are also investigated according to naturalness (if returned to the municipality or state
of birth) and the hierarchy of population size of the municipalities of destiny. The results show the predominance of the return to the municipality of
birth, demonstrating that the factor "life cycle of the
migrant" has a very significant weight in relation to other structural factors, more related to growth
and economic dynamism. However, it has been observed that the proportion of return migrants to municipalities other than birth is also significant, and that, in this case, return migration occurs preferably to municipalities of medium and / or large population size. In addition, the results highlight the
importance of the municipality of São Paulo as the
main source of the return migration to the Northeast, followed by the municipality of Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District.


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2020-02-05 — Updated on 2022-04-15


How to Cite

Campos, J. ., Reis, C. S. dos ., & Reis, D. S. . (2022). Caracterização espacial da migração de retorno ao Nordeste: uma análise dos fluxos migratórios intermunicipais nos quinquênios 1995-2000 e 2005-2010. Revista Geografias, 14(1), 08–26. (Original work published February 5, 2020)




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