Cidade e cinema

ensaio sobre a presença


  • Elisabete Rodrigues dos Reis UFF



City , movie, presentification, sense


Study of the city in cinema. Reflection about cinematographic art as the possibility of reading and interpreting cities. The main intention is to understand the constitution of the sense of the city, from its presentifications in films. The leading thread develops from the problematization and articulation of the presentification concept. The methodological strategy was anchored in two approaches of scientific and philosophical knowledge: phenomenology (as a Philosophical school) and the contributions of the philosophers G.Deleuze and F.Guattari. We understand that the city of each of us is co-extensive with our way of being/ and of being in the world. In the same sense, we apprehend a filmic (both in the sense of making and viewing it) as a means of expression of being in the world and, simultaneously as a way of constituting it. The city in the cinema is also a meeting, a particular way of organizing our own experience in descriptions, being a product of multiple determinations and possibilities. In this context, perceiving the city from a filmic perspective implies to consider an intersubjectivity and intentionality in the apprehension of the city and in the articulation of its various expressions. As an experiment, we unfold the ways of seeing a Paris in Midnight in Paris (Allen, 2011).


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Midnight in Paris/ Meia-noite em Paris. Direção: Woody Allen. Estados Unidos, 2011. Filme (93 min.)



How to Cite

Reis, E. R. dos. (2020). Cidade e cinema: ensaio sobre a presença. Revista Geografias, 20–40.