A memória na Floresta


  • Maria Cristina Villefort Teixeira Escola de Arquitetura – UFMG




Floresta neighborhood, pericentral neighborhoods, memory, literature


Contemporary cities undergo transformations, which are essentially demanded by functional and occupational issues. The pericentral neighborhoods, by their location and influence of the downtown activities, are more vulnerable to these transformations. The Floresta neighborhood, in Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais, one of the oldest in the city, has been presenting such peculiarities in the deconfiguration of the original landscape, significant for the city’s history. As the cradle of several writers and poets, passages of these intellectuals are recorded in the Floresta. The aim of this work is to portray the potentialities of a pericentral neighborhood and to record the changes occurring in the local landscape, through literature, with emphasis on the poems and novels of the resident authors. The importance of these literary records makes it possible for the memory of the neighborhood to remain alive for those who lived in Floresta and those who inhabit or will inhabit the place, in understanding the process of evolution of this pericentral neighborhood and in the search for the preservation of its heritage.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, M. C. V. (2020). A memória na Floresta. Revista Geografias, 78–92. https://doi.org/10.35699/2237-549X.24476