Theoretical approaches of regional methods in the perspective of dialectics

the totality and the law of the interpenetration of opposites


  • Raquel Augusta Melilo Carrieri Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
  • Valéria de Oliveira Roque Ascenção Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG



regional method, critical geography, geography teaching


In this paper, part of the first compilation resulting from the bibliographic review that makes up a doctoral research is presented. This research has as one of the objectives, and procedures, to analyze the possibilities of the regionalization approach in school geography that allow the development of “raciocínio geográfico”. For this reason, the bibliographic review on the regional method is justified. This article presents the investigation of the regional method in the currents of thought associated with critical geography. The two regional methods that will be presented, and contrasted, were defended by Aluízio Duarte and Roberto Lobato Correia. The first geographer defends the application of the concept of totality as a support for analysis and regional division. Roberto Lobato Correia, on the other hand, defends the application of one of the laws of dialectics in the process of regional division: the law of uneven and combined development. Despite the differences, the two authors attribute the changes in the structure of spaces to the forces of international capital. There is, among these and several other theoretical options, a finished and more correct method. There is one that will adapt, in terms of language and content, to research questions.


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DUARTE, Aloízio Duarte. O conceito de totalidade aplicado à identificação de uma região. Revista Brasileira de Geografia. Rio de Janeiro, ano 50, n.2, p.99-106, 1988.

LACOSTE, Yves. A Geografia – isso serve, em primeiro lugar, para fazer a guerra. Campinas: Papirus, 1988.

GRIGG, David. Regiões, modelos e classes. Boletim Geográfico, n.32. Rio de Janeiro, 1973.

MOREIRA, Ruy. Da região à rede e ao lugar: a nova realidade e o novo olhar geográfico sobre o mundo. Etc..., espaço, tempo e crítica. N° 1(3), VOL. 1, 1° de junho de 2007, ISSN 1981-3732.

HARTSHORNE, Richard. Propósitos e natureza da geografia. São Paulo: Editora Hucitec, 1978,

SANTOS, Milton. A Natureza do Espaço: Técnica e Tempo, Razão e Emoção – São Paulo: Editora da Universidade de São Paulo, 2008.

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How to Cite

Carrieri, R. A. M., & Ascenção, V. de O. R. (2022). Theoretical approaches of regional methods in the perspective of dialectics: the totality and the law of the interpenetration of opposites. Revista Geografias, 17(2), 82–94.




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