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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The paper has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • I have been awarded a Doctoral (PhD) degree or I am a Doctoral (PhD) candidate.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or Rtf document file format.
  • The text uses Times New Roman (font size 12); 1,5 line spacing; I have permission from the legal owners to reproduce all the images which are used in the text.
  • The text is written in accordance with the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • I have provided the journal registration system with the following information: academic affiliation, academic degree, ORCID.

Author Guidelines

Peer Review Process

Kriterion publishes articles on philosophy or of philosophical relevance, in any philosophical topic and field. Neither book reviews nor translations are published by the journal. Kriterion does not charge fees to publish and accepts streaming submissions.

All articles published by Kriterion are double-blind peer-reviewed. Submissions must be prepared by the authors for this kind of review process. The text must be written in an ANONYMOUS and IMPERSONAL form, which means that it must not contain any information about its author or any information that might make it possible to identify its authorship.

After being received and judged formally adequate by the Editor/Editorial Board, the article is sent to at least two referees.

The professionals who act as referess for Kriterion are specialists chosen through applying very strict criteria of selection. Referees fill in an objective and uniform evaluation form. They are given 45 days to produce their reviews. However, given that this work is unpaid and highly qualified, the whole process is entirely dependant on their convenience and voluntary contribution. As a result, submissions usually take up to three months to receive a final decision.

There are three modalities of final decision on a paper submitted to Kriterion:

1. Acceptance. This means that no corrections or modifications are needed. This modality is very rarely issued to a submission.

2. Revise and Resubmit. This means that the author should make corrections and modifications to the paper in accordance with the referees's comments and/or the Editorial Board's requirements. The paper then goes through another round of evaluation. The new version of the paper is sent back to the original referees who are once again asked to assess it as satisfactory or not. However, there is no guarantee that the article will get accepted at the end of this process.

3. Rejection. This means that the evaluation process is finished and the Editorial Board has decided that the paper will not be published in Kriterion. This decision is based on the referees's reviews.   

In order to get a final acceptance, a submission must receive at least two favourable reviews (that is, two recommendations of Acceptance from the referees). One unfavourable review is sufficient for the rejection of the submission.

Preparation of Manuscripts

Submitted papers must be originals, not having been published either in print or in any digital form. By 'digital form' we mean indexed (ISSN) articles published either in electronic journals or in congress proceedings or annals.

The topic of the paper must be relevant and up-to-date in its area of research. Its aims should be clearly stated, the argumentation should be sound and the conclusions should be in accordance with its initial hypotheses.

The bibliography should be updated and refer to the state-of-the-art in the topic of the paper. The main commented works must be referenced in the original language.

Papers which are restricted to merely describing the results, theses or ideas of previous (and others') publications will not be accepted.

Formal requirements for submission

The text should be written in accordance with the rules below for the purpose of submission. Once approved for publication, it should be in accordance with our standards for publication.

The text must be prepared for blind review. It must be written in an ANONYMOUS and IMPERSONAL form, which means that it must not contain any information about its author or any information that might make it possible to identify its authorship. The immediate consequence of not complying with this rule is the straightforward rejection of the submission.

The journal does not publish papers authored by more than two persons.

It is mandatory that authors inform their academic affilitation and academic degree when registering to the journal online system. 

The journal only publishes articles by Doctors (PhDs) and Doctoral (PhD) candidates.

Kriterion does not accept more than one submission per year by the same author, nor does it publish papers by one and the same author with an interval of less than two years.

ORCID is required (freely obtained at for submitting a paper to Kriterion.

Papers may be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.

Papers must be submitted in Word (doc; docx) or Rtf format, typed in Times New Roman (font size 12), and 1,5 line spacing.

Papers must be limited between 5.000 - 10.000 words in length.

Submissions must include title, abstract (of up to 200 words), and keywords (from three to six) both in the language in which the paper is written and in English.  For papers written in English, abstract and keywords in Portuguese should also be provided. (Please inform the editor in case you cannot write an abstract in Portuguese.)

Requirements for publication

The paper, once accepted for publication, should be formatted according to the standards below.


1. All works referred throughout the text should be listed at the end of the paper, according to the following examples:

EARMAN, John. “Carnap, Kuhn, and the Philosophy of Scientific Methodology”. In: P. Horch (ed.), 1993. pp. 9-36.  [See more below about this pattern.]

GRICE, P. “Studies in the Way of Words”. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989.

HART, H. L. A. “The Concept of Law”. 2ª ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.

HUME, D. (1777). “Enquiries Concerning Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals”. 2ª ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1902.

MONTAIGNE, M. (1580). “Les Essais”. Ed. Pierre Villey, 3 vols. Paris: Quadrige/ PUF, 1992.

PASCAL, B. “Pensées in OEuvres completes”. Ed. L. Lafuma. Paris: l’Integrale/ Seuil, 1963. Tradução para o português de Mário Laranjeira, São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001.

RUSSELL, B. “On Denoting”. Mind, 14, 1905, pp. 479-93.

WITTGENSTEIN, L. (1921) “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”. Trans. D. F. Pears and B. F. McGuinness. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1969.

2. For reprinted works, the details about the original edition should be given, but page references may be to the reprinted edition:

WALZER, Richard Rudolf. “New Light on the Arabic Translations of Aristotle”. In: Oriens. Vol. 6, Nr. 1. Leiden: Brill, 1953. Reprinted in: Greek into Arabic: Essays on Islamic Philosophy. Cambridge, Massachussetts: Harvard University Press, 1962. pp. 142-163.

3. Articles published in books must add a separate reference to the latter:

EARMAN, John. “Carnap, Kuhn, and the Philosophy of Scientific Methodology”. In: P. Horwich (ed.), 1993. pp. 9-36.

HORWICH, P. (ed.). “World Changes: Thomas Kuhn and the Nature of Science”. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1993.


1. All the works quoted, cited, referred, mentioned, etc., should obey the following:

Bibliographical details of of any work should preferably appear in the very body text (not in footnotes), and be in accordance with this pattern:

Author followed by date in parenthesis. For example:

Comte (1929)


(Comte, 1929)

There should be a coma after the date, whenever there is reference to a page number:

"Foucault (1975, pp. 90-99) claims that...".


"Foucault claims that...". (Cf. Foucault, 1975, pp. 90-99.)

2. Short and long quotations:

Short quotations (up to three full lines) may appear in the body text, but they should always appear in double quotation marks.

Long quotations should be indented, preceded and succeeded by a line space, and should not be appear in quotation marks. The information about the source of the reference should be given as part of the indented material, after the full stop, according to the following example:

"Like the commodity, which is an immediate unity of use-value and exchange-value, the process of production of commodities, is the immediate unity of the processes of labour and valorisation...". (Marx, RuP, p. 11).

3. Quotation of Classical Works:

For classical works, authors might prefer to use an abbreviation instead of the date. For example, a reference to Marx’s "Capital" could be written as follows: “According to Marx (RuP, p. 11)…”. This should be made clear in the final list of references, as in:

Marx, K. “Resultate des unmittelbaren Produktionsprozess”. In: Das Kapital. I. Buch. Der Produktionsprozess des Kapitals. VI. Kapitel, Archiv sozialistischer Literatur, 17. Frankfurt: Verlag Neue Kritik, 1970.

4. Classical works may be quoted by their name, in double quotation marks:

Kant, in "The Critique of Pure Reason", establishes the difference between synthetic and analytic judgments.

5. Quotes from online journals and online material should be as follows:

Stevenson, Olive. “Genericism & specialisation: the story since 1970”. British Journal of Social Work, 35, July 2005. [Online] Available at: (accessed September 5th, 2008).

Quotation marks

Single quotation marks should be used for mentioning a word or symbol, as follows:

By ‘Cicero’ I shall mean the man who denounced Catiline.

Double quotation marks should be used only for quoting or to suggest special usage (irony, etc).

Please place punctuation marks outside the closing quotation marks.


For notes, please use footnotes (numbered with Arabic numerals), and not endnotes.

Footnotes should not be used for normal quotations.

Foreign words

Foreign words should be italicized.


Open Access Policy

Kriterion offers free and immediate acces to all its published content. Kriterion takes as one of its guiding principles the democratization of knowledge and the  importance of publicizing academic and scientific research.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.