Dream, Freud, Expression, Merleau-PontyAbstract
This article deals with a study on how Merleau-Ponty
seeks to extract, from Freud’s theory of dreams, ontological consequences concerning the expressive link between the different dimensions of the dream
experience, specifically on the role of daytime remains in the discharge of libido, in realization of symbolism or, what is the same thing, in the conversion of symbolism into something narrative and sensitive, specifically affective. As it will be shown, for Merleau-Ponty, whether in the dreamed dream or in the reported dream, we can verify between the imaginary dimension (affective
and narrative) introduced by the daytime remains, on the one hand; and the symbolic (or unconscious) dimension expressed as a forgotten signifier, on the
other; a sort of unity without coincidence, a merely expressive indivisibility.
The question of this article is - from an ontological point of view - how does the expressive division between the dreamed and the reported dispense the
recourse to the idea of a transparent interiority?
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