

Presence of mind, Body, History, Experience of shock, Danger, Aesthetics


This article focuses on the role that the concept of “presence
of mind” (Geistesgegenwart) plays in Walter Benjamin’s thought, deepening
lines of interpretation that are connected to other relevant concepts such as
“attention” (Aufmerksamkeit) and “now-time” (Jetztzeit). It examines elements
of Benjamin’s work that develop the philosophical importance of presence
of mind, emphasizing its corporeal dimension and its aesthetic and critical
relevance. The analysis covers five lines of interpretation that intersect in
different ways: (i) presence of mind is a form of thought/action that should be
cultivated as a way of dealing with the experience of shock; (ii) having presence
of mind is an attitude that can be exercised; (iii) “seizing the day” involves
the body and presupposes an experience of intensive time; (iv) the conceptual
framework of presence of mind integrates elements related to play; and (v) by
valuing the present, presence of mind implies a relationship between danger
and a critical gesture – in Benjamin’s historical and political reflection, this
gesture intertwines the individual and the collective dimensions.


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How to Cite

CONCEIÇÃO, N. SEIZING THE DAY:: BODY, HISTORY AND PRESENCE OF MIND IN WALTER BENJAMIN. Revista Kriterion, [S. l.], v. 63, n. 152, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.


