Organized Enojyment in Carnival
Observing Folia do Papangu
Commodification, Pleasure, Leisure ActivitiesAbstract
Folia do Papangu is one of the greatest tourist events during the carnival in Pernambuco. It is organized by public e private institutions, which uses local cultural elements to compose the spectacle, an evidence of culture commodification. This process gets more complex when it is understood as ideological discourse, which involves subjects into enjoyment circuit. This article aims to analyze how enjoyment is organized in Folia do Papangu. To accomplish it, two main concepts were important: Néstor Canclini’s concept of culture and Slavoj Žižek’s concept of imperative of enjoyment. Foucauldian discourse analysis was used to investigate ethnographic interviews, photos, filed annotations and documents. Two discoursive rules were found, they point to the organization and formation of the feast as cultural product. This study contributes as a critic of culture and the economic influence on it.
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