Sport and Leisure in Programa Minas Olimpica Geração Esporte – FHA
Spaces and Appropriations
Child, Sports, Leisure ActivitiesAbstract
The current report aimed to show the Minas Olímpica Geração Esporte in Fundação Helena Antipoff (FHA) and their characteristics and understanding of sports and leisure. From the pictures workshop with the theme: "What is Minas Olímpica for you" sought to find out which areas and concepts were appropriated by the children. The pictures demonstrated the views and ideas of children about their social, cultural and historical thought, and lived. So, we concluded that is important to teach the sport, but also to promoting the sports culture, recreation and physical activity to contribute to the integral development of the individual. In addition, the FHA allows, in according with a pedagogical proposal, the infrastructure, respecting above all the routine of school pupils and the importance of ensuring the quality of the actions to be developed.
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