Human Capital in the Context of Biopower

The Free Time Watched and Consumed


  • Marcela Andresa Semeghini Pereira Universidade de Marília (UNIMAR)



Power (Psychology), Leisure Activities


This article was about biopower, name proposed by Michel Foucault, who reflects on disciplinary actions and vigilant that interfere in the vital characteristics of human existence. Foucault considers disciplinary power as a key method for the implementation of industrial capitalism and society he leads and the development and exercise of this should not be dissociated from the consolidation of particular knowledge and training apparatus of the humanities. Knowledge is also an instrument of power that created techniques to discipline the individual body worker, rationalization  techniques and strict economy of a power that should be exercised through an entire surveillance system, hierarchies, inspections, a disciplinary technology to support the world of work. The leisure, as lifetime and critical reflection to biopower implies enjoyment of human-generic life, that is, full social life of interpersonal human relations and is also the main point of development of human potential. It was concluded that law must ensure the leisure, noting more humanity and give that account, your main focus is human beings, and that the worker needs to awake his humanity. The method used was deductive, with literature in sociology books, philosophy and politics.


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How to Cite

Pereira, M. A. S. (2015). Human Capital in the Context of Biopower: The Free Time Watched and Consumed. LICERE - Revista Do Programa De Pós-graduação Interdisciplinar Em Estudos Do Lazer, 18(3), 305–330.



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